The Labyrinth of Your Childhood Story

We walk the labyrinth you and I

The labyrinth of your childhood story

Hand in hand we walk gently with care and grace

A meditative journey, a tender loving pace

As you twist and turn from shadows of the past

Darkness can descend and sparkling stars can twinkle and shine

An awareness so illuminating and transcendent that

Slips in and out of consciousness, and when it is held

In shining luminosity

You can see the threads that have been holding you

And binding you in shackles of the past

That can capture your very soul if the ropes

Aren’t loosened, where air can breathe and you can

Embrace once again the small child within

With new eyes and a resonant voice, a gateway

Tantalisingly close and yet just out of reach.


As we walk the labyrinth you and I

I witness and I see you

In this liminal space

As we walk this ancient path, its twists and turns

And confusing circular route, and then

The clouds part and we suddenly find ourselves

On the inside track,

Rich in wisdom, and ancient truth

Wrapped in a light so pure that there is

No going back now, a threshold crossed 

And then this circular pathway

Reaches its core

And you feel the breeze on your face

The spaciousness in your body

The love in your heart

The freedom that is yours to claim

The chains are broken

And for this moment

You are set free.

By Jill Savage, August 2022