Leading in High Stakes is a coaching programme for individual leaders that offers depth, challenge and support in working with and changing some of the most demanding behaviours we experience in the systems we live and work in.

Working with your coach 1:1, you will have the opportunity to do deep work on Self, gaining insights into what drives your own high stakes reactions and shadow behaviours. Perhaps most importantly, building the necessary skills to be able to lower the stakes not only for yourself but also for others.

You will learn how to identify and read different ways in which reactivity can show up and develop your understanding of what part individual ‘triggers’ play in creating the conditions for high stakes behaviour to emerge. Together, we will explore methods for how to intervene in group settings when behavioural patterns lead to clash and levels of judgment are heightened.


  • bMap Assessment
  • 2 x 1-hour and 6 x 1.5-hour individual coaching sessions
  • Asynchronous individual work between sessions to apply the learning


  • Completion of the Dialogix Download Film – ‘Reading the Room: Changing the Outcome’