Reading the Room: Changing the Outcome

An introduction to Structural Dynamics using the online Download learning module with practical advice for individual application of the Action Propensities in the context of virtual conversations


  • None


Navigating Diverse Behaviours and Dynamics

Virtual training designed to equip participants in the use of Structural Dynamics in different contexts in order to navigate diverse behaviours and dynamics effectively.


  1. Practice – Action Propensities
  2. Practice – Communication Domains
  3. Practice – Operating Systems
  4. Introduction to Model Clash and High Stakes
  5. Reading a Team Behaviourally
    • bMapAssessment
    • 5 x 3 hour virtual modules over 5 consecutive days
    • 1-hour each day for asynchronous individual work between modules


  • Completion of the Dialogix Download Film – ‘Reading the Room: Changing the Outcome’.


Navigating High Stakes Behaviour

Virtual training designed to equip participants to use Structural Dynamics to navigate high stakes effectively.


  1. Reading the room for high stakes
  2. Knowing yourself in high stakes
  3. Reducing the harm you and others can do
  4. Being greater than the greatest disturbance
  5. Dealing with retrenchment
    • 2 x 1-hour pre and post programme individual coaching sessions
    • 5 x 3 hour virtual modules over 5 consecutive days
    • 1.5 hours each day for individual asynchronous activity between modules


  • Completion of the Level 1 virtual programme Navigating Diverse Behaviours and Dynamics
  • Completion of the Dialogix Download Film – ‘Reading the Room: Changing the Outcome’